If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or temptations, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. Available 24 hours every day.
Also, Crisis Text Line (text 988) provides free, 24/7, confidential support via text message to people in crisis.
People 60 years and older who are contemplating suicide can call the Institute on Aging (IOA) 24-hour, toll-free Friendship Line at 800-971-0016. IOA also makes ongoing outreach calls to lonely older adults.
Resources recommended by Dr. Melinda Moore:
• American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
This group raises funds for research into suicide prevention and has expanded its mission to become the largest U.S. organization concerned with the needs of suicide survivors. Beyond postvention, AFSP sponsors several million dollars’ worth of research into the causes and prevention of suicide and maintains an active advocacy effort on behalf of suicide prevention and postvention. See afsp.org for more information on AFSP.
• National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (NAASP)
NAASP is a public-private partnership dedicated to reducing suicide in America. Among its activities have been the issuing of an updated U.S. National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General & National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, 2012), and the formation of a Survivors of Suicide Loss Task Force. See actionallianceforsuicideprevention.org for more information on NAASP.
Grief Support/Postvention
For help in building resilient communities, capable of persevering through tragedy and trauma, please see the work of Dr. Mollie Marti’s National Resilience Institute (nationalresilienceinstitute.org).
Resources recommended by Dr. Melinda Moore:
• American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
See afsp.org for more information on AFSP.
• Survivor-initiated programs:
• Heartbeat, begun by LaRita Archibald in Colorado
• Friends for Survivors, begun by Marilyn Koenig in California
• The LINK Counseling Center, begun by Iris Bolton in Georgia
• Baton Rouge Crisis Intervention Center, begun by Dr. Frank Campbell
• Development of postvention in the United States:
• American Association of Suicidology.
• Please visit suicidology.org to learn more about their work, find further resources on suicide prevention and suicidology, and more.
Association of Marian Helpers
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